[slimbatterymonitor logo]

Screen Shots

A small gallery showing what SlimBatteryMonitor
looks like when it's installed.

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Full titlebar show SlimBatteryMonitor's small size
SlimBatteryMonitor while on battery

SlimBatteryMonitor is very small compared to Apple's meter. This is not the smallest example, as the size could be even further reduced by selecting the thin icon style and choosing not to have the time remaining shown while on battery. This user has selected a black icon when running on battery, but you can customize the look to your taste.

SlimBatteryMonitor's menu

SlimBatteryMonitor's menu allows access to the preferences panel (below) and offers controls to remove SlimBatteryMonitor from the menu bar. In addition, each battery and UPS has a status line which details the current state of the power source. This means that you can still have access to complete power information, even if you choose not to display text in the menu bar. Like Apple's monitor, SlimBatteryMonitor's menu allows access to the standard Energy Saver control panel.

Full titlebar show SlimBatteryMonitor's small size

Preferences Window - What to Show
Main window with destination selected but not source.

SlimBatteryMonitor allows you to customize the display completely. You can set a different display for when you are fully charged, charging or on battery; choose from no display, icon only, icon and percent charged, or icon and time remaining.

Preferences Window - Shapes and Colours
Main window with destination selected but not source.

Colours can indicate whether you're charging or not. By default, colours mirror the colour of the power adaptor lamp, but you can feel free to set your own colours. If you'd rather not see colours, set everything to black. Several different icon shapes are supported.

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Program and documentation are copyright. © 2009 by Colin Henein.
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