Chris Saldanha's Homepage

I have extensive experience designing and programming software on Mac OS X, UNIX and Windows, and a great deal of experience with WebObjects and developing web applications in general. I also have lots of systems integration and management experience, especially in the areas of managing web servces and other UNIX Internet servers.

My resume is available in several formats (a bit out of date now!):

I am currently working for Parliant Corporation (makers of the PhoneValet Message Center, a Mac voicemail and call recording solution, also featuring talking Caller ID, detailed call logging and advanced dialing). These days we're doing a lot of iPhone programming too. We've just launched the CurbTalker real estate IVR hotline product; it's an audio listing service for real estate agents to let potential buyers call in an listen to information about properties.

You can find my software for Mac OS X and NeXTSTEP on my Free Software Page.