ACT-R Notes

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Redundancy Note

ACT-R has some built in macros that will perform analogous functions for some parts of memory. When these functions are turned on, ACT-R prints information to the screen while a model is running about the contents and behaviour of procedural and declarative memory.

These supplied macros have the advantage of being ready made and usable without to any knowledge of ACT-R's internal workings. Consequently, they may be sufficient for some purposes. See the ACT-R manual, Section 3 for more information.


Structure Types

All computer programs have similar ways of using computer memory. The memory is broken into small parts, each of which can store a certain amount of information. These smaller parts are given labels, called variable names, which the computer can use to access that particular piece of memory.

Often variable names that refer to related pieces of information are grouped together into larger memory structures. For example, related information about a car, like it's colour and make, might be stored together in a named structure, which would allow for immediate retrieval of all the information associated with that car.


Run Cycle Loop

To capture the memory contents at the beginning of each run cycle, place the functions in the following location:

(defun run-fct (&optional (cycles -1))
  (let ((start-time *time*)
        (start-cycle *cycle*)
        (matching-latency 0.0)
        (failed-latencies 0.0))
    (cond ((integerp cycles) (incf cycles *cycle*))
          ((floatp cycles) (incf cycles *time*))
          (t (signal-warn "ARGUMENT TO RUN COMMAND MUST BE A NUMBER.")))
Insert function here
      (cond (*stop*
             (signal-output *command-trace* "Stop requested.")
             (setf *stop* nil)


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This page is maintained by Jennifer Schellinck. Last updated 2000.06.23